COVID -19 Safety info
We have put in place a clear plan for how we will keep running the workshops from now on ensuring to follow the government guidelines and the safety of everyone.
If you have any questions do nor hesitate to contact South London Mosaic
Our commitment :
* As per the new government guidelines we can no longer accept group booking but only single booking from a single individual.
*Now only people who live together or who share a bubble may come to our studio together. We will need to policing this and we have to check new and existing bookings to make sure that they are compliant with the restriction.
*Regardless of whether you have booked to come to the studio by yourself or as a part of a same household/bubble booking, each booking will be treated as individual and all our students will have their own work station work separate to each other ensuring social distancing.
*Studio and tools, will be disinfected before and after use and all classwork and materials will be prepared.
Your commitment :
Please help us to keep everyone safe by committing yourself to these guidelines.
We all have responsibility toward each other.
Our studio, or individual students can be fined if everyone does not follow the government guidelines, so please understand we may have to ask you about your bookings and remind you of these regulations. everything we do is to keep
you and us safe.
* you must bring your own mask face, and you must wear it at all times.
*Please only come to the studio if you are not a risk to others or to yourself
*Do not visit the studio if you have symptoms - stay at home
Still in place the min. number of 2 people necessary to run the workshop , with a max of 3 people for session (plus the tutor)
This change has been put in place in order to comply with social distancing measures and government guidelines to ensure a safe environment
for everyone.
You can read here our risk assessment.